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Liebe ist ein Wort

Love a Word

what is it that separates man from beast?
or will,
it is more intangible than these.

It is the concepts and precepts of love.
Within us all there is the desire to give our love.
Within us all there is the need to feel the love of others,
the two both equally as strong,
to love ,
and to be loved,
to give and receive without measure,
this is our one life long quest.

What is the price we pay searching for this goal?
We lay waste our pride,
forsake knowledge.
Open ourselves up to the jealousy of others.
Suffer isolation from friends,
banishment from family,
and taunts.

All of this we acknowledge and accept,
for a dream some would say,
for what is an illusion to others,
for what is a fulfillment to few,
for what is sought by all.

The thing we know as love.

Steven Robert Morrison, 1989